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  • Writer's pictureRalph

How to Build a Killer Sales Funnel

Sales have found a new definition in the 21st century with the advent of advanced sales tools and analytics (e-mail, Ads, blog posts, etc.) that conversely foster geometric growth in brands, exponential manufacturing of products, and huge returns on investments. Continuous increase in the human population and different online communities opens more room for you to take advantage of some simple guides to amassing massive sales.

Adopting the new-selling style while gaining insight into ‘Killer-Sales-Funnel’ would revolutionize your speed, yield, and seeds (or investments).

A killer sales funnel is the schematic illustration describing the easy conversion of any potential customer into a profitable, stable, and marketing client.

Sit tight as we take a deep dive into this simple guide to building a killer sales funnel. It follows three simple steps:

  • Identifying Customers in the Sales Funnel

  • Utilizing Basic Marketing Tools

  • Advancing the Iteration of your selling style.

Step 1: Identifying Customers in the Sales Funnel

Building a killer sales funnel begins with the hierarchical identification of different sales funnels and their positioning. You should be able to discover potential clients from the number of traffic generated from your websites, the concentration of customers on one-specific products, and the consistency of others' visits through some analytical tools. From random 'web-searchers' to intentional 'clickers', and then 'specific buyers', the sales funnel explains your customers' niche and how you can stabilize them as clients.

Take a look at the fundamental procession of the sales funnel:

  • High Funnel: Mostly distanced from the products or skills to be sold, the High funnel is a visual representation of the spatial location of a potential customer, who is situated in the random digital spaces online. The majority of your potential customers reside in the ‘High Funnel’ zone, and you must know this if you will conversely generate a killer sales funnel. Knowing your potential clients' search interests amidst your products will inform your decision of what awareness strategy you’re to employ for the further conversion of the 'random customer' to an advertising client.

  • Mid Funnel: Those in the Mid Funnel are quite closer to purchasing your products and have taken a further step down the funnel. Interestingly, not only is your brand identity known to them, but they have also submitted their contact information. These are premises you can leverage while using certain tips and tools for strategic re-marketing.

Still, in the funnel, it gets narrower as customers go down the funnel– customers tend to be streamlined.

  • Low Funnel: Low Funnel is home! Here lies your converted clients—the customers that have not only trusted you but are making purchases from you and are ready to do more. Mostly, they make reasonable purchases and sometimes leave some in their carts. Leveraging testimonials, different pricing pages & case studies, running discount/promo codes, live tutorials (Instagram reels, TikTok short videos, or YouTube), and product comparisons, aids the retention and continuous subscriptions of clients to your brand.

Expectedly, your clients at the Low-funnel are fewer than those at the Mid-Funnel; but can increase as you expand your up-reach at the Mid-Funnels stage for more in-reach at the low-funnel—a code to building a sustainable killer sales funnel.

Step 2: Utilizing Basic Marketing Tools (BMT)

  • Awareness: This is a marketing tool that must be profitably employed to initiate the Sales funnel building process. Customers here are naive about your brand and could have randomly come across your brand through SEO on Google.

So, you’ve got to put more displays on their screens! Using Google ads, social media marketing tools, and creating blog posts can help in building a solid awareness of your brand and would essentially set the High Funnel stage on a high tone.

For example, if you sell homewares products, you can start a blog on "Flexible living and valuable spending." The idea is to get their email addresses to personalize marketing with them.

  • Consideration: Customers have proceeded to the Mid Funnel. Here, they do more clicks on your website and possibly other websites to compare their needs with the solution on your website with others' offers. They must have submitted their email addresses, and you can implement the remarketing strategy through social media, Google display network, and emails to reach them.

  • Preference/Conclusion: This level tells which of your products your customer would prefer and most likely conclude to buy. They’ve found your product interesting to them and have moved to the Low-Funnel of your sales. Bringing them to this stage would require a continuous input of reminder tools such as email marketing, social media marketing, and digital products.

  • Possession/Purchase: Customers here are simply buyers. They've seen 'value' and would now let their funds have a new holder! Retaining your customers becomes more exciting to them, as you run referral programs to incentivize them while implementing upsell campaigns and re-marketing email campaigns.

Step 3: Advancing the iteration of your selling style

Remarketing is a major tool in generating customer traffic on your website. Placing ads for one product everywhere for about three days or more is fundamentally enough to establish a buy-choice in any customer.

The Mid-Funnel stage, majors in remarketing (with a personalized customer's interest) and not just to remind consumers of their standing needs, but also set up a friendlier atmosphere where marketing relationships are alive through email, newsletters, and other customer-centric methods of assuring them of your brand.

Using various marketing tools, allows you to realize the concentrated point where your customer's interest lies. Your customer's interests would inform your selling method.

Learning more about your customers and getting strategic feedback directly from them or some analytical tools helps you to identify top trends amidst your customers' choice range while developing a reiteration system targeting each customer with their interests. Doing this with updated marketing techniques takes your iteration to a new level while sustainably taking your Mid-funnel downlines to the Low-funnel where sales are made.


The beginning point to building a killer sales funnel is with a mind shift to a global audience as targeted High-Funnel customers. You should never forget that the number of Low Funnel clients is a function of the number of high-funnel customers reached. Your reachability in terms of awareness and marketing tools must be on point, reiterative, strategic, relatable, creative, and evolving with your potential customers' demands.

You must give it your all best from the first stage, while continuously increasing the tempo of your activeness with clients at the Mid Funnel, engaging all means to foster community building among Low Funnel clients, while infusing a sense of belonging into them that eventually make them take up the task of marketing your brand, business, and/or products.

You can also use sales funnel builder software which gives you an all-in-one marketing experience with ease.

As marketing evolves so should you, if your sales funnel will generate massive returns and a continuous influx of clients.

Want to build your ideal sales funnel? Contact us today and see how we can help you make small changes that make a big impact.




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